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Newest Listings in Al-Awamiyah Business Directory :
Company Name: Golden Ace Foods
Contact name: Zahid
Country: Saudi Arabia
City: Al-Awamiyah
Address: Office 201 Commercial Sector C, Bahria Town Lahore – Pakistan
Contact Tel: +92 307 2225775
Email Address: rehmanacefood@gmail.com
Web Address: https://goldenacefoods.com
Services offered : Import & Export, Import & Export, Import & Export
Description of services: Basmati Rice
Pakistani Basmati Rice is a variety of long-grain rice that is grown in the Punjab region of Pakistan. It is one of the most popular types of rice in the world due to its distinctive flavor, aroma, and texture.

Pakistani Basmati Rice is characterized by its long, slender grains, which have a soft, fluffy texture when cooked. The rice is known for its nutty aroma, which is often described as having a floral or buttery quality. Pakistani Basmati Rice is also rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a healthy choice for those looking for a nutritious diet. Pakistani Basmati Rice is grown in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains, where the soil and climate provide ideal conditions for its cultivation.

The rice is typically harvested by hand and then aged for several months, which enhances its flavor and aroma. Pakistani Basmati Rice is also known for its versatility, as it can be used in a wide variety of dishes, including biryanis, pilafs, and curries.