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Newest Listings in Gaza Business Directory :
Company Name: gofundme
Contact name: eman adly
Country: Palestine
City: Gaza
Address: Gaza - Palestine
Contact Tel: 0567521993
Email Address: emmalo92lo@gmail.com
Web Address: https://gofund.me/e087aab9
Services offered : Digital Marketing, Travel & Tourism, Travel & Tourism
Description of services: Help My Family Escape Death in Gaza: Give Us a Chance at Life

I never expected that one day I would have to create a fundraising campaign, but the harsh conditions in the Gaza Strip forced me to start a campaign to help us achieve our only dream of survival and staying alive, and escaping the death that chases us day after day. Help us to find safety and enjoy a better life away from terror and destruction.

We are now without a real shelter, without memories, without security. We search for a glimmer of hope that will restore to us a part of the lives we have lost. This fundraising campaign could be a source of hope for survival and living a decent life after all that we have been through and in bringing hope back into our hearts. We hope to be able to build a new home where we can gather our memories and rebuild ourselves.

I kindly ask for your support in this severe ordeal, as every assistance you provide could be a lifeline for us and our children.
